Match structure and closure

Match structure and closing

Before the start of the match, the team captains (who are also players) flip a coin to decide which team will hit first, and thus take the first opportunity. Innings are a term used for each phase of a match. In each inning, one team shoots in an attempt to score points while the other team serves and plays the ball on the field of play, trying to limit the scoring and remove the hitters. When the first opportunity ends, teams switch roles; depending on the type of match, there can be from two to four innings. A match with four scheduled serves lasts three to five days; a match with two scheduled innings is usually completed in one day. At the time of service, all eleven members of the battering team enter the field of play, but usually only two members of the battering team are on the field at any given time. An exception is if the tester has any illness or injury limiting his or her ability to run, in which case the tester is allowed a runner who can run between wickets when the tester hits an effective run or runs, although this does not apply internationally. cricket. The order of the hitters is usually announced just before the match, but can be changed.
